Whitefish Montana Family Doctor & Physician

Whitefish Family Medical is the first and oldest family physician clinic to exist in Whitefish, MT and Dr Wolff, our Osteopathic Physician, has been practicing in Montana now for over 20 years.

Supporting The Local Whitefish Community

Whitefish Family Medical is a supporter of the local community of Whitefish, you can find many of the city’s Community Events and News, which you can find at the Whitefish City Website.

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Thomas J. Kane offers a special hands-on approach to patient care and does Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT), read about the difference here. He believes that all parts of the body work together; looking at the patient as a whole to reach a diagnosis rather than just treating the symptoms.

We believe that all parts of the body work together, looking at the patient as a whole, to reach a diagnostic rather than just treating the symptoms. This method can provide a better result than drugs or surgery is alone. Our providers teach patients how to prevent future illness and injury by promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Our Location In Whitefish, MT

Whitefish MT Community – Civic Involvement

At Whitefish Family Medical, we love helping families and believe in the power of helping others. We chose Whitefish for our location due to it’s new growth, family orientation and because like Whitefish is becoming the “City Of The Future” we too want to take a futuristic approach to Medicine and Medical Care by treating ‘people’ and not just symptoms or conditions.

Check out these links…

  1. Adopt a Hydrant
  2. Adopt a Park
  3. Beautify Whitefish
  4. Whitefish Lions Club
  5. Mayor’s Youth Council (PDF)
  6. Tree Planting Program