Fast Weight Loss

[title size=”2″]How To Lose Weight Really Fast – Supplements, Diet & Exercise[/title]
You can actually lose a lot of weight in just two weeks to a month. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) say that a healthy goal of losing up to 2 pounds a week is good. However with the right supplementation, diet and exercise, there have been people who have reported weight loss in two week as much as 10 pounds.
Being overweight is associated with many health problems. In the U.S., more than half of adults are overweight.
- More than 68% of adults in the U.S. are considered to be overweight or obese
- More than 35% of adults are considered to be obese.
- More than 6% have extreme obesity.
- Almost 3 in 4 men (74 percent) are considered to be overweight or obese.
(statistical data from the government NIH website)
[title size=”2″]What Are Some Good Weight Loss Supplements?[/title]
Here at Whitefish Family Doctor, we offer some of the best weight loss treatment for women and men of all ages from around the Whitefish area. We prescribe Phentermine as a weight loss supplement for qualified candidates.
It is a stimulant that is prescribed by a doctor along with a recommendation and plan for proper diet and exercise.
It literally curbs any desire to eat. Like, I had no desire to eat anything at all, and I had a lot of energy. I was losing weight so fast it was amazing, my skin got clearer and I felt lighter and more agile. I wasn’t tracking exactly how much, but I think I lost about 30 lbs in the first 30 days, at least that’s what it felt like. – Steve T.
Most Americans are overweight. An except from the Whitefish Eagle suggests that 1/3 of people in Whitefish are obese. Obese means grossly fat or overweight, usually when around 60% of your body is fat. A healthy fat percentage would be more close to 10-15%.
Below is a chart from the NIDDK Research Report on BMI (Body Mass Index) of people from 2012-2014…
The average person usually has a BMI of 30+, and one of the qualifying factors of getting a prescription for Phentermine is having a BMI which shows you are overweight.
BMI of Adults Ages 20 and Older | |
BMI | Classification |
18.5 to 24.9 | Normal weight |
25 to 29.9 | Overweight |
30+ | Obesity (including extreme obesity) |
40+ | Extreme obesity |
[title size=”2″]What’s The Best Exercise For Losing Weight?[/title]
Walking uphill at 4.3 Miles Per Hour (MPH) at a 4-6% incline for 45 minutes a day is a really good starter for people who are wanting to lose weight quickly but not yet to the point of being able to do more rigorous weight training or running. Just 45 minutes a day, at 4.3 MPH is enough to open up the pores in your skin and work up a nice sweat.
Not only do you lose weight, but the exercise helps clear your mind and helps develop better mental clarity throughout the day.
Joining A Gym
- The YMCA of Whitefish has multiple locations you can see here.
- Genesis Health Club also has a gym + steam/sauna rooms that come with membership, see their locations here.
- And here is a list of places offering fitness classes around Whitefish.
[title size=”2″]What’s The Best Diet For Losing Weight?[/title]
In an article by, they mention that the NIH recommends several steps for weight loss, including:
- Counting calories. Everyone’s different, but the NIH recommends eating 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day for women and around 1,600 calories a day for men. You lose weight when your body takes in fewer calories than it burns. Decreasing your overall calories by 500 to 1,000 calories per day will turn into a weight loss rate of one to two pounds a week.
- Focus on nutrition, not calories. But you should keep in mind that nutritious, fresh foods are healthier than processed “diet” foods. Low-calorie doesn’t necessarily mean healthy. It’s also important to eat enough food every day so that your body doesn’t think it’s starving and slow down your metabolism. Focus on a balanced diet with lean protein, lots of fresh vegetables, whole, unprocessed carbohydrate and fruit sources, and small amounts of unsaturated fats.
An Amazingly Fast Detox Diet
Here is a detox diet where you can enter and stay in a detox phase during your weight loss. This diet will clear your skin, open your pores, help your digestive tract become regular if it is not and help you lose weight very quickly.
- Breakfast – Large salad with greens and 2 boiled eggs, 1 teaspoon of dressing
- In Between – Berries, any kind, as much as you want
- Lunch – Large salad with greens and 2 boiled eggs, 1 teaspoon of dressing
- In Between – Berries, any kid, as much as you want
- Dinner – Large salad with greens and 2 boiled eggs, 1 teaspoon of dressing
*Eat dinner two hours before going to bed. The stomach needs to be empty when sleeping in order to enter a fasting state and detox more efficiently.
[title size=”2″]Other Ways Of Helping With Weight Loss[/title]
Using Saunas & Steam Rooms
Saunas and Steam Rooms are great ways to help with weight loss, burn extra calories and open up skin pores to allow toxins to escape the body. The skin is the largest organ of the body, opening up your pores using a Sauna is a very helpful way to start the day. There are different ways you can add this to your daily routine…
You can go to a gym like Genesis Health Club or even buy a portable Sauna that fits in your home. Here is a very popular home Sauna for under $150 bucks.
Not Eating Before Bedtime
You can increase the amount of weight loss by not eating before bedtime. The body goes into a resting detox state when sleeping. The body uses energy to digest food. If food is in the stomach while you sleep, it interrupts the detox process and reduces the chance for restful sleep.
You should not eat before bed if you have recently eaten food. Below are some general guidelines on how long it takes for the stomach to digest food.
- Meat – about 3-4 hours
- Bread & Cheese – about 3-4 hours
- Cooked Veggies – about 2 hours
- Raw Fruit & Veggies – about 1 hour
Drinking Enough Water
We can go days and weeks without food, but we can’t go more than 4-7 days without water, 4 days without water is likely fatal. Water is the lifeblood for life and the oil that keeps our bodies well lubricated and working efficiently. Just like oil for a car, water keep our organs and tissues healthy and vibrant.
When our bodies don’t have enough water in them, bodily processes slow down, the blood thickens and we lose energy, our organs shut down and start to even malfunction.
How much water should you be drinking in a day to help with weight loss?
- Adults – 1 gallon
- Teens – About 1/2 gallon
- Little Children – About 1/3 of a gallon
*If it’s hot or during exercise, it’s okay to drink more.
*A healthy person who is well hydrated will urinate about every 2 hours; if you are going 6-8 hours without urinating, you are likely dehydrated.
Using An App To Monitor Your Fat, Protein & Carbohydrate Intake – MyFitnessPal
There are a lot of apps online, the best one is MyFitnessPal. You can monitor your calories and weight loss by entering in exactly what you ate and did that day, and the app will give you a rundown of how many calories you burned walking around, and statistics based on what you ate.
- Get the app for Iphones
- Get the app for Android
It only takes a few minutes before bed each night to record what you ate that day. Tracking and monitoring your results and getting to visually see the reality of the nutrition your are getting in your diet is a huge aid in helping you lose weight.
[title size=”2″]Genuine Results From Our Weight Loss Program[/title]
With over 10,000 patients treated at our clinics over the past 10 years, both men & women have successfully used our weight loss treatments in their quest to beat obesity.
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. – George S. Patton
[title size=”2″]Serving All The Surrounding Cities Near Whitefish – Call (406) 334-2204[/title]
At Whitefish Family Doctor we appreciate that losing weight is never easy, what might work for one person might not work for another person.
Our weight loss programs are specifically tailored to each individual, not a cookie cutter approach.
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