Dehydration In Children

Signs Of Dehydration In Children
Children can become dehydrated quickly, more quickly than adults. In severe and rare circumstances, dehydration can lead to brain injuries and even death. Thomas J. Kane offers a special hands-on approach to child patient care and does Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT), read about the difference here. He believes that all parts of the body work together; looking at the patient as a whole to reach a diagnosis rather than just treating the symptoms.
Symptoms Of Dehydration In Children
How do you know when your child is dehydrated? Here are some of the symptoms…
- Increased heart rate
- Lethargic or low energy
- Sleeplessness
- Crying but having no tears
- Sunken eyes
- Not urinating for more than 8 hours
- Cold or clammy skin
- Color of the child’s urine is dark
- Headaches are one of the main results of child dehydration
When a kid becomes dehydrated they may develop an increased heart rate, become sleepless and the color of their urine may be dark. To know your child is well hydrated the color of urine should be clear. Being hydrated helps the body stay well lubricated, much like keeping a healthy oil level in a car. Without enough water, muscles tear easier and joints become stiff, low hydration also induces headaches.
What Causes Dehydration In Children?
Simply not getting enough water is one way to become dehydrated, however other factors can help..
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Sweating from excessive excercise
- Hot or humid weather
How To Treat Dehydration In Children
Water. Usually dehydration can be handled at home, but if your kid is throwing up, has a fever or is showing any of the signs above, you may want to bring them into a family physician.
Begin by giving your child water slowly until their urine has become clear or the symptoms fade.
When To See A Doctor
If there is blood in the stool or vomit, they are refusing to drink or the diarrhea lasts more than a few days. A family physician can restore bodily fluid and salt quickly through a vein if necessary.
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