February Heart Health Awareness Month

Heart Health Awareness

One of the leading causes of death in the United States for both men and women is Heart Disease. The sad fact is that 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease, that is around 610,000 people in the United States annually, and these deaths can be prevented.

Having heart disease increases the chance of Stroke or Heart Attack.

To fight off heart disease and promote longevity it is important to have regular check ups. Having the best family physician on your side is important to help you manage your health. The right family doctor can help you keep an eye on your blood pressure, cholesterol, and many other factors that affect your heart health.

Here are a few other ideas to help reduce your chances of heart disease-

1. Include exercise in your daily routine.
2. Quit Smoking
3. Visit your doctor for a full panel work up and learn your cholesterol and triglyceride numbers, and focus on keeping them at heart healthy levels.
4. Regularly check your blood pressure and work towards achieving healthy stats.
5. Make healthy food choices including lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet.
6. Keep your body at a healthy weight, so your heart doesn’t have to work harder.


During the month of February it is especially important to promote heart health education, and bring awareness to ways to prevent deaths associated with heart disease. The month of February is observed as Heart Health Month, and by sharing information about heart healthy strategies you can make a difference and help reduce the chances of heart disease related deaths in the people in your life.


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