Air Quality Awareness Week

Air Pollution Act

In 1955 the United States created the first federal air pollution legislation. It was called the Air Pollution Act of 1955, and today we are still striving to improve the state of our environment. It is vital that we as individuals and society as a whole continue to work together to make the small everyday changes, and the big ones that take time and cooperation. The EPA has provided links on its website about the resources that are available, and information to broaden your knowledge on many areas related to air pollution.

The reason that the last week of April was deemed Air Quality Awareness Week was to promote awareness of the issue, and to educate people about the level of air pollution outside affects the air that we breath.

Here are 5 ways to improve air quality in our cities:

1. Requiring stricter testing and controls on vehicles
2. Banning vehicles in the center of the city
3. Promoting electric cars
4. Allow more space for public transportation and bicycle paths
5. Turn the city green by adding plants in creative places

How to improve the air quality in your Home.

While these are great ideas for the bigger picture, there are several things that you can do in your own home to help reduce pollution and create healthier air for your family in your home.

1. Keeping your carpets clean. When we have kids or pets carpet can get pretty filthy. Vacuuming daily with a model that has a HEPA filter lowers the allergens, toxins, and concentrations of lead in your home.
2. Scrub those floors. Vacuuming can leave behind particles of dust and pollen. Scrubbing with plain water will help remove any particulates that were left behind.
3. Use a door mat. When people come in from outside they bring with them all the dirt and allergens which they walked through. Chemicals from lawn spraying can even be tracked in on your shoes.
4. Keep your home properly humidified. It is important to keep the level of humidity between the levels of 30%-50%. By doing this it keeps the levels of mold and dust-mites under control as well as other allergens. Consider investing in a dehumidifier for those long summer months.
5. Become a no-smoking zone. Secondhand smoke is a serious concern when it comes to indoor air pollution. It greatly improves the chance of people getting ear or respiratory infections. There are more than 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke. Breathing in secondhand smoke can increase the chances of a child developing asthma, cancer, or even sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

A person can live for 30 days with no food, 7 days with no water, but only 5 minutes with no air. It is important to take small steps everyday to improve the quality of the air that you and your family are allowing in your home.

If you are a smoker and would like help to quit smoking to improve the quality of air in your home, visit your family physician or call us here at Whitefish Family Doctor Family Medical Clinic (406) 334-2204 to find out more about the resources available to you.


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