How Air Quality Impacts Health

How is Health Impacted by Air Quality?

Air quality is a hot spot issue right, with everyone wondering what will be happening with the EPA. Poor air quality isn’t just an issue for us here, it is happening all over the world. There are several health issues which are related to the quality of the air that we breathe.

  1. Severe lung disease, or respiratory infections
  2. Dyspnea (breathing that becomes difficult and painful)
  3. Nose bleeds
  4. Cough, sore throat
  5. Extreme wheezing which progresses into asthma.

If countries were to take action to improve air quality it would lower the concern of diseases related to the quality of air. Improving the quality of air would help to increase the health of not only the respiratory tract of their citizens, but also the cardiovascular system of their communities as well.

What can You do?

The truth is these days, most of us spend the majority of our days indoors, whether that be because of work, screen time, or time spent unwinding from your long day. The re-circulated air that we breathe at our office, or in our home is full of pollutants including chemicals from vehicles, cigarettes or animal dander, pollen or mold spores, and other tiny particulates from dust. When exposed to these pollutants it can develop into serious short and long term health issues.

Reducing or eliminating these issues is the best way to lower the amount of pollution that you have in your home. Here are a few great ideas to improve the air in your home:

  1. Add an air purifying device to your home. HEPA filters are helpful options to add to an existing furnace, as well as a vacuum model which requires a HEPA filter. These filters help to reduce dust particles and allergens from your air.
  2. Remove the source of the issue. This may mean to reduce the amount of cleaners or pesticides which you use in or around your home. Trying something like a natural based cleaning product, or simply ventilating the space which you are using the product.
  3. Consider purchasing a dehumidifier. Keeping the levels of humidity in your home between 30-50% can actually reduce the chance of mold growing in your home.
  4. Adding a few house plants can help. There are several plant which greatly reduce the level of pollution in your home including Gerber daisies, Rubber plants, Aloe Vera, and several types of Palm.

The quality of the air in your home is vital to your health. There are many things we cannot control, but reducing the level of pollution in your air is within your grasp.


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